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Wassa Koné

Cherifoula, Bamako, Mali





Born in 


A girl born in 2014 lives in a family of eight children, where she is the 7th child. The family lives with her father's extended family. Her father lives in the countryside, farming potatoes and rice, while her mother sells cleaned fish at the market. They eat twice a day. Wassa is a smart and obedient child, her mother says. Neither parent attended school, but she has an older sister who completed high school and can help her with her studies. She is an intelligent girl who answers questions confidently. Wassa loves going to school, and her favorite subjects are reading and grammar. She has no school supplies or uniform. She has many friends and enjoys playing circle dance games, jumping rope, singing, and dancing. At home, she helps her mother sell fish and clean. Her dream is to have a Barbie doll.

The monthly support is € 12 in this program for a child.

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