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Ouma Djénéba Konaré

Cherifoula, Bamako, Mali





Born in 


A girl born in 2017 lives in a family with three children; she is the youngest, with an older brother and sister. They live in a rented shack without support from an extended family. The father works in a factory as a plumber, and the mother is a homemaker but sometimes goes to the factory to clean and wash for the workers. The father only attended a Franco-Arab school where he learned the Quran in Arabic, and the mother dropped out of school early. Food is served twice a day, though not much. According to her mother, Ouma is a kind, good child who always shares what happens at school. She is energetic and a true leader, often taking charge even when playing with older children. She is obedient and never lies. Ouma loves going to school, and her favorite subjects are reading and writing. She has no school supplies or uniform. At home, she helps with cooking and goes shopping if needed. They live very far from the school, at least 3-4 kilometers away, and she makes the round trip twice a day. With her friends, she plays cooking games. She loves beans, rice, and spaghetti. She also enjoys drawing and singing. She dreams of having sweets, biscuits, and chocolate.

The monthly support is € 12 in this program for a child.

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