Born in
This second grader little gir was born in 2014, is raised in a family with six children, she is the youngest, has 2 brothers and 3 sisters. They live in a semi-finished house now because they were evicted from the rented apartment and could not go anywhere else. The father went to school for a while, but stopped, now working in a store as a salesman. The mother is illiterate and is at home with the children. The family eats twice a day. Founé loves to read and is very eager to learn: if she doesn’t understand something, she perseveres her bigger siblings until they explain her what she wants to know. She helps a lot at home, sweeps, mops. She likes to "play kitchen": she "cooks" from kitchen waste for fun with her girlfriends. She also used to fight with his brothers a lot. She wants a textbook, a uniform and a bag.