Born in
The second grader little girl, born in 2008, lives with her family in a half-finished house and they are in big trouble: they have to move, but they don't know where to go yet, because they haven't found a new place to live. The mother of 10 children is a widow, her husband died. Among 7 boys and 3 girls, Fatoumata is the 7th child. The family is supported by his two older brothers, who are already working. The mother does not work. Three children go to school, all at Chérifoula. The little girl studies very well, top of the class! She has a very worn khaki backpack and no textbooks. Food is put on the table when there is money, they often go to bed hungry. Fatoumata likes math because, as she says, it's easy to learn. She helps a lot at home, washing is her job. When she grows up, she wants to work in an office. She wants textbooks, notebooks, pens, and a school bag. Tuition fees are difficult to pay, and payments are often missed.